4 Apps To Help You Master Your Spring Cleaning
4 Apps To Help You Master Your Spring Cleaning

1. OurHome

If your kids are old enough to do their part in making your home spotlessly clean, you need to download this free app. OurHome makes sharing spring cleaning chores easy! You can assign tasks to your kids, set deadlines for when you want jobs done and reward your kids with points once they’ve completed a chore. Let your kids cash in their points for their reward of choice, like a new toy, a trip to an amusement park or even a cost-free privilege, like choosing the family’s dinner menu for a week.

Sync every family member’s device with your OurHome app to unlock its full power. You’ll be able to send messages to your kids, check up on their progress and set helpful chore reminders.

 2. Snupps

Spring-cleaning your way through your house gives you the perfect opportunity to take stock of everything you own. The Snupps app makes it easy. You can upload pictures of every item in your home, create virtual shelves on the app and organize your stuff by category. Plus, you can make money while spring cleaning by selling any item you don’t need through the app. It’s like selling your stuff in a virtual yard sale!



3. Home Routines

Do you find it overwhelming to keep track of all you need to clean? Home Routines makes it simple! For a one-time $5 fee, you can download the app and start organizing your chores. Create detailed checklists, assign tasks to days of the week and set alerts to remind you what needs to get done. From there, you’ll be able to easily track your progress. And, if you need more motivation, set the in-app timer and try to beat your own goal.

The app divides your cleaning lists into Focus Zones. You can customize this feature by adding rooms and chores to each zone. Then, choose a different zone for each day or have a zone appear only once a month. You can also set the app to remind you to complete specific tasks or clean certain zones at predetermined times. For example, you can have the app remind you to scrub the counters each night, wash the windows every other week and dust your light fixtures once a month. 

4. Do!

If you like to have a good, old-fashioned, paper to-do list, you’ll love this app. Do! gives you the look and feel of a paper list with realistic paper and pen sound effects. You can easily view your list and even download a widget to your device for seeing the day’s tasks at a glance. Use the app’s color-coding system to keep things organized and check off tasks as you go. The app is free with an in-app purchase and just $1.99 for the premium, ad-free version.

Let these super-convenient apps help you make your home shine this spring.






Category: Home