Finance or Refinance Your Auto Loan with Diamond Valley and Make NO PAYMENTS For 90 Days

While we are living in unprecedented times as the world continues to focus on and respond to ongoing developments related to the coronavirus (COVID-19), OUR FOCUS remains on your future. In an effort to better assist our members in need, we are offering a “90 Days No Payment” option on any titled vehicle for a limited time only. From May 1st – July 31st, anyone who purchases or refinances a titled vehicle with Diamond Valley Federal Credit Union, from another financial institution, will now have the option of not making a payment for 90 days. Interest will continue to accrue during the 90 day period and will be collected with your first loan payment. Please contact Diamond Valley at 812-425-5152 for more details.
Offer valid May 1st, 2020 through July 31st, 2020. New loan must be a minimum of $5000. First loan payment will be due 90 days from disbursement date. Finance Charges begin accruing as of the loan disbursement date and will be collected when the first loan payment is made. New loan must be a minimum of $5000. Refinance offer only available to loans from other financial institutions. Other terms and conditions may apply. Call for details.
Category: Credit Union News