5 Apps To Download This Back To School Season

Back-to-school season can be exhausting — and expensive! Take the hassle and the hefty price tags out of this year’s school shopping by downloading these 5 apps. Who knows? Maybe school shopping can be fun again!
1.) School Supply List (iOS, $0.99)
Keep things organized with this app created just for school supply lists. You can create a list of supplies for each child and then cross off each item as it’s purchased. Share lists with other users, edit them according to store preferences and create individual notes for each item. Say goodbye to forgotten supplies or duplicate purchases with School Supply List!
2.) Red Laser (iOS and Android, Free)
You don’t want to spend more money than necessary. Make sure you’re getting the best deal on the products you’re buying by using the Red Laser app. Just scan the barcode of your item using the app, and it’ll give you the price for the product at nearby stores.
3.) Pitter Pad (iOS, Free)
Skip the impossible crowds at the kids’ shoe store. Instead, use this app to measure your little one’s feet, and then order shoes online without any second-guessing. This app works best with an iPad.
4.) Allowance+ (iOS, Free)
Are your kids old enough to do their school shopping on their own? Download Allowance+ to give them a sense of independence that won’t run wild. The app allows you to give your kids allowance payments and track their spending and deposits. This way, they can shop on their own with mom and dad having the final say.
5.) Flipp (iOS and Android, Free)
Thumbing through circulars and clipping coupons is so last-century. Find loads of coupons at stores like Target, Walmart and BestBuy, by downloading Flipp. It will deliver the circulars directly to your phone. No more holding up the checkout line while you scramble to find that missing 15% off coupon on pencils.
Stop stressing over back-to-school shopping by installing these super-convenient apps today!