Travel Hacks - Road-Tripping for Less

Travel Hacks - Road-Tripping for Less

Nothing gives that sense of freedom and adventure like a road trip. Swallowing up miles of open road, passing dozens of scenic views and exploring new places are just some of the experiences that make a road trip so enjoyable. The best part about turning a vacation into a road trip is that you can have your epic getaway without

Travel Hacks - Open A Vacation Club Account

Open A Vacation Club Account

Planning your dream vacation can be great fun – until you need to figure out how you’re going to pay for it. Stressing over every expense and dreading the bills you know will be waiting for you at home can be an epic killjoy to the best of vacations. 

Lucky for you, as a member of Diamond Valley, you have access to a variety of savings

6 Ways to Pay Less at the Pump

6 Ways to Pay Less at the Pump

Just when you think they can’t possibly jump any higher, gas prices start rising again. They’ve long passed the $5 mark in much of the country, and in some areas they’ve even gone beyond $6 a gallon. This means it’ll cost the average American close to $100 just to fill a 16-gallon tank. With prices peaking on so many other goods, the pain at the pump is real.

Back-to-School Shopping Hacks

Back to School Shopping Hacks

It’s back-to-school season, and that means you’ve got a list of stuff a mile long to buy. The good news is that you don’t need to break the budget during the second-biggest shopping season of the year. There are lots of ways to save, and if you plan your shopping well in advance instead of frantically rushing to get everything done at the last minute, you can

Save As A Family - America Saves Week 2022

Save As A Family

“We just didn’t talk about money.” That sentiment from Amy in the above video is similar and

heard far too often from Americans when asked about how their childhood prepared them for the financial responsibility of being an adult.

In the past, talking about money has largely been a taboo subject. What we can now

Save by Reducing Debt - America Saves Week 2022

Save by Reducing Debt

It’s Day Four of America Saves Week and today’s focus centers around reducing debt.

Do you consider paying down your debt as saving? You should! There are many natural benefits of reducing your debt, including increasing your credit score, saving money on interest and fees, and gaining more disposable or

Save to Retire - America Saves Week 2022

Save to Retire

We have a question for you…

Fast forward to one year into your retirement. What does life look like?

Do you live in the town you’re in now, or have you moved to a different location? Do you spend your days relaxing at home, working part time to keep busy, volunteering, or traveling?

Today is Save to Retire Day of

Save for the Unexpected - America Saves Week 2022

Save for the Unexpected

Day Two of America Saves Week encourages us to save for the unexpected. While saving for emergencies is always a much discussed topic in personal finances, here’s something that’s not as widely discussed: saving for opportunities.

If you are in the position to save, you’re not only saving for an

Save Automatically - America Saves Week 2022

America Saves Week 2022 Day One: Save Automatically

It’s America Saves Week! Each year we encourage our community to dedicate this week to pause and do a financial check-in, and this year is no different. Join us this week to get a clear view of your finances, set

8 Holiday Shopping Hacks to Help You Save Big This Season

Couple looking in window at store

Ready, set… charge! The holiday shopping season is here, and between inflated prices, the rising cost of gas and the urge to splurge this time of year, it can be harder than ever to stick to your budget. Here, we’ve listed eight holiday shopping hacks to help keep your spending under control while still finding the perfect gifts
