Saving Automatically - America Saves Week 2023

It’s America Saves Week! Each year we encourage our community to dedicate this week to pause and do a financial check-in, and this year is no different. Join us this week to get a clear view of your finances, set your financial goals, and make a plan to achieve them.

Participating in the week will set you on the path toward building financial confidence. Financial confidence is inclusive in that it recognizes that you have unique circumstances, and even if you are in a scenario that makes it difficult or impossible to save at this moment — you are committed to doing the work, taking control of your finances, and becoming more financially stable.

Kicking Off The America Saves Week Financial Conversations Series:

Check out this video from The America Saves Team, who holds a conversation surrounding building financial confidence.

We kick off Day One of America Saves Week by focusing on the easiest and most effective way to save— AUTOMATICALLY.

How do you save automatically? The two best ways to save automatically(link is external) are to split your direct deposit or have your financial institution automatically transfer a predetermined amount from your checking to savings.   

Check out this blog post(link is external) from the America Saves Team, who breaks it all down.

More Financial Conversations:

Check out this video with Savers Amanda and Hans, who talk about the easiest way to save, saving automatically.

Building the habit of saving is a crucial part of building financial confidence – it's not about how much you save but setting a goal, reaching it, and realizing what’s possible with small steps. Remember- saving is a HABIT, not a destination.

Saving Automatically Decision Tree