Saving for Major Milestones - America Saves Week 2023

A common question when it comes to saving… How do you save for so many things at once?

One of the most overwhelming parts of saving for everyday Americans is balancing saving for so many competing priorities. Not only do you need to save for short-term emergencies and opportunities, but also for future and long-term goals. Those long-term goals include major milestones like education, homeownership, and retirement.  

Financial Conversations:

Meet Sarah Hershberger-Valencia, who talks with America Saves Director, Kia McCallister-Young, about saving for major milestones.

Read this blog post from America Saves(link is external) which dives further into how to save for competing life milestones. 

You should also check out the America Saves Town Hall: #ThinkLikeASaver: Saving For Major Life Milestones(link is external), which will give you simple strategies to save successfully to achieve the major milestones of saving for education, becoming a homeowner, and saving for retirement

Remember to take the America Saves Pledge(link is external) to receive resources, reminders, and tips from America Saves to support you in your retirement savings goal!