Which Home Improvement Projects Can I Do Myself?

Which Home Improvement Projects Can I Do Myself?

Q: I’d love to fix up my home this summer, but I can’t afford to do a full-blown renovation. Are there any home improvement projects I can do myself?

A: Absolutely! With a bit of creativity, the right tools, instructions and the

When Should I Do It Myself and When Should I Leave it to the Pros?

When Should I Do It Myself and When Should I Leave it to the Pros?

Q: Which home improvement projects can I tackle myself, and which should I leave to the pros?

A: In today’s world, when you can look up how to do practically any project online, it’s tempting to want to

Essential Tools for Every New Homeowner

Essential Tools for Every New Homeowner

As a new homeowner, you likely have a long list of items you need or want to purchase for your new digs. From welcome mats to plungers and wall hangings, there’s lots to buy in the first weeks after moving day. As you browse through window treatments and home decor, don’t forget to stock up on the basic tools every new homeowner needs.
A well-stocked