Save as a Family - America Saves Week 2021

Did you learn what you needed to know about money as a child, from your parents, other adult role models, or school? For many Americans, that answer is no.
As we round out America Saves Week, we want you to spend time thinking about how you can instill ways to #ThinkLikeASaver in the young people in your life. After all, savings can be both tangible (like saving in a piggy bank) and intangible (like preserving energy by turning off the lights).
Meet Kellie, a military spouse, and her two children, Hannah and Rhys, as they share how they encourage their children to save.
Here are some steps you may want to take as you close out your financial check-in!
1. Take the America Saves Pledge(link is external) to get support and accountability as you reach your savings goal.
2. Enter the #ImSavingFor Sweepstakes(link is external) for a chance to win one of TWO $500 cash prizes.
3. Join the #ThinkLikeASaver Facebook Group hosted by America Saves(link is external), to get ongoing support and interact with like-minded people committed to saving effectively.
4. Sign up for text reminders, tips, and support from America Saves while on your savings journey. Just text AMERICASAVESTEXT to 877877.