Save as a Family - America Saves Week 2021

Save as a Family - America Saves Week 2021

Did you learn what you needed to know about money as a child, from your parents, other adult role models, or school? For many Americans, that answer is no.

As we round out America Saves Week, we want you to spend time thinking about how you can instill ways to #ThinkLikeASaver in the young people in your life. After all,

Save by Reducing Your Debt - America Saves Week 2021

Save by Reducing Your Debt - America Saves Week 2021

It’s Day Four of America Saves Week, and here’s the ONE take away you need to know as you consider today’s focus, “Save by Reducing Debt”:


By actively reducing your debt, you are saving on interest. When you pay on time, you save on late fees and

Save to Retire - America Saves Week 2021

Save to Retire - America Saves Week 2021

Many of us have thought about retirement. You may already be saving for it, which is excellent.

But have you thought about HOW you want to retire? More specifically, have you thought about what it will take to continue to live the lifestyle you have or the lifestyle you want once you retire?

Today is Save to Retire

Save for the Unexpected - America Saves Week 2021

Save for the Unexpected - America Saves Week 2021

Day Two of America Saves Week has us preparing for something that we should all actually expect: To have an “unexpected” financial emergency.

Today, for Save for the Unexpected Day of America Saves Week, we’ll check in with ourselves to ensure that we are building an emergency fund.

Yesterday we

Save Automatically - America Saves Week 2021

Save Automatically - America Saves Week 2021

It’s America Saves Week! Each year we encourage our community to dedicate this week to pause and do a financial check-in, and this year is no different.

Chances are that you are someone you love has experienced a loss of income since the onset of Covid-19 in America— so what better time to take this week to get a clear