Beware of Job Scams

Beware of Job Scams

It’s an amazing employment opportunity – or is it? Scammers often hijack the job market and ensnare hopeful job seekers into their schemes. If you’re job-hunting, it’s a good idea to review the way these scams play out and how you can avoid them. To help you out, we’ve put together a short primer on what you need to know to stay safe from job scams. 

How the

Don’t Get Caught up in a Tax Return Scam!

Don’t Get Caught up in a Tax Return Scam!

It’s tax season, and while that may mean you’re drowning in forms and paperwork, for scammers it means millions of taxpayers they can potentially dupe out of refunds or scare into making irrational moves. Here’s what you need to know about tax return scams and how to avoid them.

How the scams play out

4 Scams to Watch for After the Holidays

4 Scams to Watch for After the Holidays

The holidays may be over, but scammers never take a break. The weeks after the holiday season generally bring an increase in scams that can be difficult to spot. Watch out for these four common post-holiday scams.

Charity scams

Did you know that there are more charity donations made nationwide during the last two

Tags: scams, holidays, alert

How to Avoid Credit Card Fraud this Holiday Season

How to Avoid Credit Card Fraud this Holiday Season

With the holiday shopping season heading into its final frenzied stretch, scammers are out in full force to take advantage of busy shoppers. Credit card fraud is rampant during this time of year. With most purchases paid for with plastic, scammers have their pick of vulnerable prey before the holidays. Stay

Don’t Get Spooked by One of these Scams this Halloween!

Don’t Get Spooked by One of these Scams this Halloween!

That cackling, long-haired witch might send your heart fluttering with fear, but these Halloween scams are even spookier! Here’s what to know about these common Halloween scams. 

 1. The Joker

Desperate for money before the holiday shopping season hits? Looking to pad your

Smishing Scam Alert!

Smishing Scam Alert!

We have recently become aware of a text message that appears to be a fraud alert from Diamond Valley. An example of the text message a member received appears in the photo above. 

The member reported that once she responded to the text, she was immediately called from another number. The person on the other end asked for the member's PIN

Category: Credit Union News
Tags: alert, scam, text, smishing

Beware of Gift Card Scams

Beware of Gift Card Scams

Everyone loves a gift card for their favorite retailer or restaurant. It’s like getting money to spend in any way you please! Unfortunately, scammers also love gift cards, but for all the wrong reasons: They often use gift cards to pull off scams. Here’s what you need to know about gift card scams and how to avoid them.

How the scams play out

There are

Micro-Deposit Scams

It probably doesn’t surprise you to know that scammers are always coming up with creative ways to con people out of their money. Recently, there’s been an uptick in an old scam in which crooks reach out to targets and try to gain access to their accounts through micro-deposits. Unfortunately, too many people have already fallen for this scam, and we don’t want our members getting caught in the trap. To that end,

Beware Romance Scams

Beware Romance Scams

With COVID-19 forcing more singles to meet and date online, America’s most expensive scam is on the rise(link is external). Romance scams are all over the

4 Vacation Scams To Watch For This Summer and How To Avoid Them

4 Vacation Scams To Watch For This Summer and How To Avoid Them

With summer in full swing, you might be planning and packing up for the vacation of a lifetime. Before you load the car and head out, though, read through our list of four common vacation scams and learn how to avoid them. You don’t want to take a permanent vacation from your hard-

Tags: alert, scam, vacation
