Beware Advance Payment Scams!

Beware Advance Payment Scams!

It’s an awesome deal, but there’s just one catch: You need to pay a fee in advance. Before you go ahead and do so, though, take a step back and look at the transaction from every possible angle. An advance payment scam may have captivated you in its allure. 

Let’s take a look at these scams, how they work and precautions you can take to keep yourself

All You Need to Know About Overpayment Scams

All You Need to Know About Overpayment Scams

Great news – you’ve just received a check, and you’ve been overpaid! But there’s a catch: the check writer wants you to send the surplus back to them. Unfortunately, though, if you follow these directions, you’ll be buying right into a scam. 

Overpayment scams are fairly common, and for the unaware, they

All You Need to Know About Tech Support Scams

All You Need to Know About Tech Support Scams

There’s little in life that’s more frustrating than a computer that refuses to do its job. You click and swipe, type and jab, but nothing is solving the issue. And then, like your own private miracle, a message appears on your screen. It says: “Technical difficulties? Click here for assistance.” 

Beware Mortgage Closing Scams

Beware Mortgage Closing Scams

Purchasing a new home is a major endeavor that can take months to complete while involving several important steps. There’s money to be paid, forms to fill out and sensitive information to share. Unfortunately, scammers know this well, so they’re out to hijack the most crucial part of the process: the closing. Closing on a home is an exciting and often stressful

6 Naughty Holiday Scams to Beware of This Season

6 Naughty Holiday Scams to Beware of This Season

‘Tis the season to be jolly! Unfortunately, though, not everything about the holiday season is all happy and nice. As always, scammers are on the scene, ready to turn the joyous season into a nightmare. Here are six naughty-list scams to watch out for this holiday season. 

1. Online shopping

The U.S. Is the Most Scammed Country in the World

The U.S. Is the Most Scammed Country in the World

A recent report by Social Catfish(link is external), an online investigation service, found that

Don’t Get Caught in a Utility Scam!

Don’t Get Caught in a Utility Scam!

Knock, knock! It’s your energy company here to tell you that your bill is past due–so your electricity will be shut off if you don’t pay up immediately! 

Sounds like a nightmare, right? Well, it’s about to get a lot worse: it’s a total scam. Pay the visitor who’s at your door, and you’ve just paid a scammer. 

Utility scams

Beware Third-Party App Scams

Beware Third-Party App Scams

Scammers are experts at hijacking our favorite conveniences for their schemes, and third-party app scams are no exception. These scams can be difficult to spot and have already conned millions of unsuspecting victims. In fact, according to a report published by 

Don’t Get Caught in a Debt Collection Scam

Don’t Get Caught in a Debt Collection Scam

No one likes to be in debt. It’s a downward spiral that never seems to end, and it’s an expensive burden to carry, too. Unfortunately, scammers often exploit the feelings of helplessness and overwhelm to lure victims into their debt-collection scams. Let’s take a look at these scams and how to keep yourself from falling

All You Need to Know About Pet Adoption Scams

All You Need to Know About Pet Adoption Scams

Pet adoption can be an incredibly rewarding experience. After all, there’s nothing quite like coming home after a long workday and being greeted by a cuddly, furry friend. Unfortunately, though, scammers often exploit people’s adoration for animals through pet adoption scams. Let’s take a closer look at pet adoption scams and how to protect
