All You Need to Know About One-Time Password Scams

All You Need to Know About One-Time Password Scams

One-time passwords (OTPs) are a crucial security feature in our digital age by offering an extra layer of protection for online transactions and account logins. Unfortunately, though, scammers often try to hijack these codes for stealing sensitive information, money or both. 


All You Need to Know About Free Trial Scams

All You Need to Know About Free Trial Scams

It’s a new product — and you can try it out … absolutely free! 

Sounds amazing, right? Unfortunately, a free trial can be the gateway to a devastating scam. Here’s what you need to know about free trial scams and how to stay safe.

What are free trial scams?

Free trial scams typically involve a

Don’t Get Caught in an Investment Scam!

Don’t Get Caught in an Investment Scam!

Investment is rarely without risk. Nearly every investment option carries with it the possibility of loss. What many don’t realize though, is that in addition to the typical risks, investing also carries the danger of falling prey to an investment scam. 

Investment scams can include promises of high return for minimal

6 Ways to Tell if a Website is Safe

6 Ways to Tell if a Website is Safe

In today’s world, where we get our furniture, news and entertainment through the internet, staying safe online is paramount. The web is rife with scammers employing sophisticated tactics to get at your money and your information. Unwittingly visiting an unsafe website can lead to scammers installing malware in your device, which can include

Don't Get Caught in a Credit Repair Scam!

Don't Get Caught in a Credit Repair Scam!

Everyone wants a great credit score. An excellent score is the key to getting approved for low-rate auto loans, mortgages and more. But a credit score can sometimes need a little help. The numbers might need some minor tweaking, or they might actually be in troubling territory. Just one missed credit card payment can

AI Fraud and How to Protect Yourself

AI Fraud and How to Protect Yourself

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we live and work. Unfortunately, though, it’s also revolutionizing the way scammers con unsuspecting victims into sharing their personally identifiable information and their money. Here’s what you need to know about AI fraud and how to protect yourself.

What is AI fraud?

AI fraud is

Beware Check Washing Scams

Beware Check Washing Scams

When Midge Laurin, of Chicago, Illinois, mailed out a $30 check, she had no idea it would be intercepted by a scammer and written out to someone else to the tune of $9,475. Check-washing scams like this are on the rise and can leave victims struggling to reclaim their lost funds for months. Here’s what you need to know about these scams and how to avoid them.

How the scams

Beware of Celebrity Scams

Beware of Celebrity Scams

If you spend any time on social media platforms, you’ve likely been bombarded with posts featuring celebrity-endorsed products. While these promotions can seem like a great way to get access to exclusive products and services, they can also be a gateway for scammers to access your personal information, sell you scammy products and more. Sometimes, victims can even be conned

Don’t Get Caught in a P2P Scam

Don’t Get Caught in a P2P Scam

P2P platforms, like Zelle, Venmo and PayPal, have made life so much easier for many consumers. Paying your friend back for the $20 you borrowed while at the mall, splitting a meal and purchasing a shared gift are now as easy as a few quick screen swipes. Unfortunately, though, P2P scams are rampant and varied. Also, once money is transferred through a P2P

Free Vacation Scams

Free Vacation Scams

Congrats – you’ve won an all-expense paid vacation to the Bahamas! It’s a dream come true! Or is it? Unfortunately, if you receive notification that you’ve landed a free luxury vacation, you’ve likely been targeted by a scam. Here’s what you need to know about free vacation scams and how to protect yourself from falling victim.

How the scams play out

In a free vacation
