Best Times to Buy Engagement Rings

Best Times to Buy Engagement Rings

If you’re planning to buy an engagement ring in the near or semi-near future, you likely know that these small treasures can cost a modest fortune. In fact, the average cost of an engagement ring in the United States currently runs around $5,500, with prices going up from there to tens of thousands of dollars. The price you pay for your fiance’s

Best Times to Buy: Electronics

Best Times to Buy: Electronics

One, two, three … charge! 

While that call may be perfectly suited to a football game, when it comes to your electronics, you want to leave the charging for your phone only and keep the credit card swiping to a minimum. But with prices always fluctuating and inferior products crowding the market, how can you ensure you’re truly getting a fabulous

Best Times to Buy: Matresses

Best Times to Buy: Mattresses

Are you feeling exhausted after another night spent tossing and turning while searching for that perfect spot on your mattress? Back aching from sleeping on a mattress that has long since passed its prime? If this sounds familiar, you may be in the market for a new mattress. But who wants to blow big bucks on a purchase when they don’t have to?


Best Times to Buy: Fitness Gear

Best Times to Buy: Fitness Gear

The new year is not so new anymore, and those resolutions to get yourself into shape are starting to get old. But don’t let them get stale just yet! Midwinter is actually a fantastic time to stock up on fitness gear at bargain prices. If you miss this season’s sales, you can pick up exercise equipment at a discount several other times a year.