Preparing Financially For A New Baby

Preparing Financially For A New Baby

Congratulations! You’ve just gotten the positive pregnancy test results and you’re breathless with excitement — and nerves. Or maybe you’re a few months along, and the mild panic is growing right along with the baby bump. Regardless, a baby means big changes, and some of those changes bring many new expenses. How will you pay for it all?

Whether you’re

7 Easy Ways To Give Your Kids A Financial Education

  1. Take your kids with you on your next visit to Diamond Valley Federal Credit Union!
  2. Let them watch you balance your checkbook.
  3. Show your kids how you pay your bills so they know that electricity, water, gas, phones and cable all cost money.
  4. Give them a budget for an item they want, and let them choose which one to buy.
  5. Let your kids work to pay for an expensive gadget or a special trip they really want.
  6. Help them open their own small business.
  7. Let your kids see you occasionally leave a store without buying anything
Category: Credit Union News