Does Marriage Make Me Responsible for My Partner’s Debt?

Does Marriage Make Me Responsible for My Partner’s Debt?

Q: I’m newly married and just found out my partner has brought substantial debt into the marriage. Am I responsible for this debt?

A: Debt liability is a loaded topic with no easy outs. Your own liability for

Is There an End to Credit Card Debt?

Is There an End to Credit Card Debt?

Q: I’m deep in credit card debt and I feel like I’ll be paying off these bills forever. Is there an end to credit card debt?

A: With consumer debt at an all-time high, this is a question that many Americans are grappling with right now. The credit card trap can

Paying Down Debt IS Saving - America Saves Week 2023

Paying Down Debt IS Saving - America Saves Week 2023

It’s Day Four of America Saves Week and today’s focus centers around reducing debt.

Do you consider paying down your debt as saving? You should! There are many natural benefits of reducing your debt, including increasing your credit score, saving money on interest and fees, and gaining more disposable or

12 Steps to Financial Wellness-Step 5: Practice Mindful Spending

12 Steps to Financial Wellness-Step 5: Practice Mindful Spending

Creating a budget and deciding to stick to it is easy; it’s actually carrying through on your plan that’s the hard part. For too many people, financial responsibility ends at having good intentions and real life gets in the way of all well-laid plans. A large part of the discrepancy between what

12 Steps to Financial Wellness-Step 4: Have the Money Talk with Your Partner

12 Steps to Financial Wellness-Step 4: Have the Money Talk with Your Partner

You’ve tracked your spending, created a budget, worked on ridding yourself of debt, and are well on your way to a financially secure life. Now you’re ready for step four, in which you’ll have the money talk with your partner.

Talking finances with your partner may not be

12 Steps to Financial Wellness - Step 3: Pay Down Debt

Step 3: Pay Down Debt

You’ve tracked your spending, designed a budget for your monthly expenses, and you’re well on your way to financial wellness. In this next step, you’ll create a plan

6 Steps to Crushing Debt

6 Steps to Crushing Debt

You and debt are so over. You’ve just about had it with those endless piles of credit card bills and those hideous numbers that never seem to get any lower. It’s time to kiss that debt goodbye!
Getting rid of high debt will take hard work, willpower and the determination to see it through until the end, but it is doable. Here, we’ve outlined six steps to help you start crushing debt

National Credit Education Month - March 2020

March is National Credit Education Month

National Credit Education month is 31 days when Americans are urged to take another look at their finances. This can be done by reviewing your credit report, paying off debt, or putting money in a savings account. The most important part of this month is taking a look at your credit and

Save by Reducing Your Debt - America Saves Week 2021

Save by Reducing Your Debt - America Saves Week 2021

It’s Day Four of America Saves Week, and here’s the ONE take away you need to know as you consider today’s focus, “Save by Reducing Debt”:


By actively reducing your debt, you are saving on interest. When you pay on time, you save on late fees and

What do I Need to Know About Debt Consolidation?

What do I Need to Know About Debt Consolidation?

Q: I’m up to my ears in debt, and I’d love a way out. I’m strongly considering debt consolidation. What do I need to know before I move ahead?


A: Debt consolidation is the process of moving several (possibly) high-interest debts into a new loan or line
