How Should I Spend My Stimulus Check?

How Should I Spend My Stimulus Check?

The stimulus checks promised in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act are starting to land in checking accounts and mailboxes around the country. The $1,200 granted to most middle class adults is a welcome relief during these financially trying times.

Many recipients may be wondering: What is the best way to use this money

7 Ways You Can Use A Personal Loan This Summer

7 Ways You Can Use A Personal Loan This Summer
7 Ways You Can Use A Personal Loan This Summer

Summer is a time for fun and excitement, but it can also be super expensive. Summertime can be a season of major life changes like household moves and weddings; purchasing that boat you’ve been eyeing and let’s not forget those dream vacations

7 Ways To De-Stress For Less!

7 Ways To De-Stress For Less!
7 Ways To De-Stress For Less!

Winter doldrums got you down? The empty calendar making you feel blue? Don’t pull out your wallet for some “retail therapy” just yet! 

Right now is the time of year when the blues hit the hardest, so many people turn to their favorite foods, a round of shopping or some other costly means of escape. However,

Category: Financial Wellness
Tags: Destress, ideas, tips, list


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