Travel Hacks - 6 Ways to Save on Airfare

Travel Hacks - 6 Ways to Save on Airfare

If you’re planning a trip overseas, airfare may be your largest vacation expense. Even when flying relatively close to home, the cost of your airline ticket can take a big bite out of your vacation budget. Fortunately, there are loads of ways to save on airfare and leave you with more to spend at your destination. Here, we’ve compiled a list

Travel Hacks - How to Staycation for Less

How to Staycation for Less

In a perfect world, every one of us can easily afford to jet off to a far-flung destination for a luxury vacation. But real life doesn’t quite work that way. If you’re looking to get away from the daily grind but your budget didn’t get the memo, there’s good news: You can enjoy a fabulous vacation from the comfort of your home! When done right, staycationing can be

Travel Hacks - Road-Tripping for Less

Travel Hacks - Road-Tripping for Less

Nothing gives that sense of freedom and adventure like a road trip. Swallowing up miles of open road, passing dozens of scenic views and exploring new places are just some of the experiences that make a road trip so enjoyable. The best part about turning a vacation into a road trip is that you can have your epic getaway without

Travel Hacks - How to Save on Entertainment Costs While on Vacation

How to Save on Entertainment Costs While On Vacation

Flying to your vacation destination and paying for your lodgings, can take a big chunk out of your budget. But once you’ve arrived, the expenses are only beginning. To fully enjoy your time away, you’ll also need to spring for stuff to do during your vacation. If you aren’t careful, this can

Travel Hacks - How to Choose a Vacation Destination for Less

Travel Hacks: How to Choose a Vacation Destination for Less

Planning and enjoying a dream vacation without taking out a second mortgage may seem out of reach, but it is possible. One of the best ways to bring down vacation costs without compromising on the fun factor is to choose a vacation destination smartly. Here’s how to find a budget-friendly vacation

Travel Hacks - Open A Vacation Club Account

Open A Vacation Club Account

Planning your dream vacation can be great fun – until you need to figure out how you’re going to pay for it. Stressing over every expense and dreading the bills you know will be waiting for you at home can be an epic killjoy to the best of vacations. 

Lucky for you, as a member of Diamond Valley, you have access to a variety of savings

Don’t Get Caught in a Vacation Rental Scam

Don't Get Caught in a Vacation Rental Scam

With prices rising on everything, including hotel stays, record numbers of vacationers are choosing to rent private homes or apartments on sites like Airbnb and Vacation Rentals by Owner (VRBO). Unfortunately, though, vacation rental scams are on the

How to Travel Safely this Summer

How to Travel Safely this Summer

Summer is here, and many Americans are itching for a vacation. But is it possible to travel safely right now? Is an airplane really a flying Petri dish to be avoided until the pandemic blows over? Can you take a road trip if it means making rest stops in three different states?

So many questions — but we’ve got answers! Here’s how to enjoy

Travel Planning Apps

Travel Planning Apps

With summer beckoning, you can’t ignore the call of the open road and the foaming ocean waves for much longer. 

Are you tediously sifting through dozens of travel sites for the best prices on flights, car rentals and hotel rooms? 

Hold up! Before you book anything, check out our list of travel-planning apps. With just one free download, you’ll have all the

Tags: travel, apps, review

9 Ways To Enjoy Summer On A Budget

9 Ways To Enjoy Summer On A Budget
9 Ways To Enjoy Summer On A Budget
  1. Check out neighborhood business freebies. This includes shows, demonstrations and activities that local businesses host to generate summer traffic.
  2. Visit the library. You’ll find free crafts for kids, story time, discussion groups and other fun ways to enjoy summer at no cost
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