All You Need to Know About One-Time Password Scams

All You Need to Know About One-Time Password Scams

One-time passwords (OTPs) are a crucial security feature in our digital age by offering an extra layer of protection for online transactions and account logins. Unfortunately, though, scammers often try to hijack these codes for stealing sensitive information, money or both. 


All You Need to Know About Pet Adoption Scams

All You Need to Know About Pet Adoption Scams

Pet adoption can be an incredibly rewarding experience. After all, there’s nothing quite like coming home after a long workday and being greeted by a cuddly, furry friend. Unfortunately, though, scammers often exploit people’s adoration for animals through pet adoption scams. Let’s take a closer look at pet adoption scams and how to protect

All You Need to Know About Cybersecurity

All You Need to Know About Cybersecurity

Cybercrimes are increasing exponentially by the year. Unfortunately, developments like the pandemic, the growth of cryptocurrency and the increase in online working and shopping have created a target-rich environment for cybercriminals. In fact, according to

Beware of Digital Kidnapping

Beware of Digital Kidnapping

Most parents warn their kids against taking candy or accepting a ride from a stranger, but there’s a digital equivalent to conventional kidnapping that is unknown to many people. Digital kidnapping happens when a crook takes control of a target’s social media profiles and holds them until a ransom is paid. It can also involve “kidnapping” photos that are posted on

Save Money When Shopping Online

Save Money When Shopping Online

With tens of thousands of people still out of work and the economy still limping toward a recovery, wise spending remains important. And with huge parts of life still happening on your screen, for many, this means saving on online shopping.

Here are some tips for saving money when shopping online:


Wait on every purchase

8 Ways To Avoid Getting Scammed on Craigslist

8 Ways To Avoid Getting Scammed on Craigslist
8 Ways To Avoid Getting Scammed on Craigslist

The arrival of spring and the deep house cleaning it inspires means more people are putting their old furniture, devices, sports equipment and clothing up for sale. That’s why the amount of items like these on sites like Craigslist

6 Ways To Earn Money Online

6 Ways To Earn Money Online
6 Ways To Earn Money Online

Are you looking for some extra cash to jumpstart your savings? Desperate to stop living paycheck to paycheck? Want to make 2019 the year you finally get debt-free? 

Look no further than your computer screen! With nothing but internet access and a modest investment of your time, you can give your budget that extra

Tags: income, online

Staying Safe Online

Staying Safe Online
Staying Safe Online

With the average American spending 24 hours a week online, internet safety is more important than ever. A hacked or compromised computer can put you at risk for money loss, phishing scams or even complete identity theft.

It gets worse: If your computer’s security has been breached, it can be turned into a “middle man” for online theft.

Beware the Blackmailing Scam!

Beware the Blackmailing Scam!
Beware the Blackmailing Scam!

Blackmail and extortion are some of the oldest tricks in the book—and for good reason: They work. When a criminal threatens to share potentially explosive information with everyone they know, the victim easily panics and is willing to pay any price to protect their privacy and their pride.

In a fresh twist on this age

How To Create And Keep Strong Passwords

How To Create And Keep Strong Passwords
How To Create And Keep Strong Passwords

Your passwords are like the keys to your life. And when it seems like there’s another big security breach every week, you want to be absolutely sure your passwords are strong and safe. After all, with just a few keystrokes, a scammer can have full access to your personal information, financial