How to Prepare Your Home for Spring

How to Prepare Your Home for Spring

Winter is on its way out, and spring is on its way in. That means it’s time to stop hibernating and get outside! Before you do, though, you’ll need to help your home recover from the damage incurred during winter and take steps to prepare it for spring. Don’t stress about what you need to do; just follow our lead with these six steps for preparing your

Lawn-Care Scams Sprout up in Spring

Lawn-Care Scams Sprout up in Spring

Spring is here, and the buds are sprouting like mushrooms after rain. Unfortunately, so are the scams. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is warning of an uptick in lawn-care scams, which can be difficult to spot. Here’s what you need to know about these scams and how to play it safe.

How the scam plays out

A lawn-care scam can be

Saving on Landscaping

Saving on Landscaping

For the green-thumbed homeowner, there are few things as pleasurable as running fingers through soft, moist earth, catching sight of the first flowering buds of spring and inhaling the scent of freshly cut grass.

Tending to a lawn and garden can get expensive. Between seeds, fertilizer and gardening supplies, costs can be high enough to take the pleasure out