Am I a Shopaholic?

Am I a Shopaholic?

Q: I often just can’t resist the urge to splurge when I see the latest deals showing up in my inbox. I am also prone to putting every retailer app on my phone so I can get all the deals and rewards. I’m starting to wonder if I am a shopaholic who’s addicted to retail therapy. What do you think?  

A: In today’s

Tags: question, shopping, addiction, compulsive, shopaholic, tips, signs

All You Need to Know About One-Time Password Scams

All You Need to Know About One-Time Password Scams

One-time passwords (OTPs) are a crucial security feature in our digital age by offering an extra layer of protection for online transactions and account logins. Unfortunately, though, scammers often try to hijack these codes for stealing sensitive information, money or both. 


Tags: scam, OTP, One Time Password, warning, online, tips

10 Back-to-School Hacks to Beat Inflation

10 Back-to-School Hacks to Beat Inflation

Back-to-school season is here, and this year, the second-biggest shopping season of the year will be more expensive than ever. With inflation still at all-time highs, the supplies and gear you always buy may cost a lot more than you paid just a year or two ago. 

No worries, though. There are still ways to trim your

Tags: school, education, saving money, Budget, back to school, tips

Beware Advance Payment Scams!

Beware Advance Payment Scams!

It’s an awesome deal, but there’s just one catch: You need to pay a fee in advance. Before you go ahead and do so, though, take a step back and look at the transaction from every possible angle. An advance payment scam may have captivated you in its allure. 

Let’s take a look at these scams, how they work and precautions you can take to keep yourself

Tags: loans, investments, scams, advance fee, warning, tips

Retirement Primer: All You Need to Know About Spousal IRAs

Retirement Primer: All You Need to Know About Spousal IRAs

IRA (Individual Retirement Account) works differently. In this unique retirement account, an unemployed individual, who has a wage-earning partner, is able to contribute to their retirement savings. 

Here’s what you need to know about spousal IRAs, how they

Tags: retirement primer 2024, investments, IRAs, spouse

Retirement Primer: All You Need to Know About 401(k)s

Retirement Primer: All You Need to Know About 401(k)s

In our fast-paced world, planning for retirement can take a backseat to immediate financial needs and desires. However, one of the most effective tools for ensuring a comfortable and secure retirement is a 401(k) plan. This employer-sponsored retirement savings plan offers numerous

Tags: Consumer Information

How to Report Fraud

How to Report Fraud

No one expects to be the victim of fraud, but the unthinkable sometimes happens. Scammers use all kinds of professional means to get money and information from their victims, even the most careful of marks. If you suspect, or have discovered, that you are a victim of fraud, it’s crucial to act quickly. The sooner you act, the less damage the fraud can wreak on your finances and personal life

Category: reporting, fraud, how to, tips, scams
Tags: Consumer Information

All You Need to Know About Free Trial Scams

All You Need to Know About Free Trial Scams

It’s a new product — and you can try it out … absolutely free! 

Sounds amazing, right? Unfortunately, a free trial can be the gateway to a devastating scam. Here’s what you need to know about free trial scams and how to stay safe.

What are free trial scams?

Free trial scams typically involve a

Tags: free trials, free, scam, warning

Best Times to Buy-Headphones and Audio Gear

Best Times to Buy-Headphones and Audio Gear

If you’re the type of person who can never leave the house without your AirPods being at full charge, or you’re always looking for a new home sound system, you need to read this article. 

Yes, you can get audio gear from your favorite brands at a discount – as long as you know when to shop. Here’s when to buy

Tags: Best Times to Buy 2024, shopping, headphones, audio, tips, Budget

7 Ways to Plan for a Budget-Friendly Summer

7 Ways to Plan for a Budget-Friendly Summer

Summer may be the most relaxed time of year for many, but it can also get super-expensive. Along with all that taking it easy, you may find yourself loosening up the reins on your monthly budget before you realize you’ve completely blown it. 

The good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way. With a bit of

Tags: summer, budgeting, ideas, fun
