All You Need To Know About Your First (Student) Loan

All You Need To Know About Your First Student Loan

You might approach your student loan the same way you approach those term papers: If you don’t think about them, they can’t really stress you out. Unfortunately, just like those papers you’ll eventually have to write, your student loan debt isn’t going anywhere.
If you’ve borrowed the funds from a private lender, like [

How To Save On Your First Set Of College Textbooks

How To Save On Your First Set Of College Textbooks

Purchasing every textbook you need for class can take a big bite out of your budget. We’re talking huge amounts here: According to the National Association of College Stores, the average college student spends upward of $80 on each new textbook and can sometimes drop as much as $175 on one volume.

Student Loan Scams

Student Loan Scams
Student Loan Scams

College students, take note! If keeping up with your coursework, acing your exams and scrambling to hand in every term paper before the deadline weren’t enough, you now have something else to worry about: Student loan scams are on the rise. Scammers know you hate owing tens of thousands of dollars, so they’re quick to offer you an easy — but completely

5 Tips For Your First Spring Break On A Budget

5 Tips For Your First Spring Break On A Budget
5 Tips For Your First Spring Break On A Budget

It’s your first spring break and you’re totally psyched! But that doesn’t mean you need to break the bank. Have yourself an awesome time without blowing your budget by following these five spring break tips. 

Check your school for discounts and help

Decorating Your First Dorm Room On A Budget

Decorating Your First Dorm Room On A Budget
Decorating Your First Dorm Room On A Budget

College dorm rooms can be quite drab, but who’s got the time or the money to do any serious decorating? Plus, school regulations can make anything that’s really creative an impossibility. 

No worries; a beautiful, personalized and warm dorm room is within reach—and within

Category: Budgeting


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