What do I Need to Know Before Buying a Used Car?

What do I Need to Know Before Buying a Used Car?

Q: I’m in the market for a used car, but I’m a bit nervous about getting the raw end of a deal and ultimately regretting the purchase. What do I need to know before buying a used car?

A: Purchasing a used car can be a daunting task

What’s the Best Way to Pay for Holiday Shopping?

What’s the Best Way to Pay for Holiday Shopping?

Q: I’m ready to start my holiday shopping, but I’m not sure how to cover all my purchases. What’s the best way to pay for my holiday shopping?

A: As with most large expenses, when it comes to covering the cost of your holiday

Time to Move or Time to Improve? Moving Vs. Home Improvement

Time to Move or Time to Improve? Moving Vs. Home Improvement

Q: My family is growing out of our current home and we’re desperate for more living space. My house can also use a major face-lift. I’m wondering: should I move to a new house, or make some major improvements to my current home?


All You Need to Know About Personal Loans

All You Need to Know About Personal Loans

Personal loans, sometimes called unsecured loans, are loans that allow flexible use, offer short- to moderate-term repayment options and quick funding. Their versatility and convenience make them a popular choice for borrowers of every financial standing. Let’s take a deeper look at personal loans, how they work

Navigating the Current Auto Loan Market

Navigating the Current Auto Loan Market

If you’re in the market for a new set of wheels, get ready to experience sticker shock. Prices on new and used cars have soared since the beginning of 2020, and experts aren’t expecting them to fall anytime soon. Here’s what you need to know about the current auto loan market and how to navigate it successfully.

Why are

What’s the Best Way to Use a Home Equity Loan?

What’s the Best Way to Use a Home Equity Loan?

Q: With interest rates falling and home prices rising, it seems like a great time to tap into my home’s equity using a home equity loan. What’s the best way to use these funds?

A: A home equity loan, or a HEL, can be a fantastic way to

What Can I Use A Personal Loan For?

What Can I Use A Personal Loan For?

1. Get married. Use your loan to fund the larger wedding expenses, like your engagement ring, dress and venue. You may also consider using it to cover the smaller costs, like the flowers and photographer.

2. Fund a move. Taking out a personal loan to help you cover the costs can make a household move a lot less stressful.

3. Consolidate debt into

Choosing Which Home Equity Loan Option Is Right For You

Choosing Which Home Equity Loan Option Is Right For You

Q: What are the differences between a home equity line of credit (HELOC) and a typical home equity loan?

A: Here are the differences between a HELOC and a typical Home Equity Loan.

Can I Trust Credit Karma?

Can I Trust Credit Karma?

Q: I’m trying to increase my credit score ahead of applying for a large loan, so I’m considering signing up for Credit Karma to track my score. How accurate are the credit scores it shares? Is there anything I need to be aware of before signing up for this service?


All You Need To Know About Your First (Student) Loan

All You Need To Know About Your First Student Loan

You might approach your student loan the same way you approach those term papers: If you don’t think about them, they can’t really stress you out. Unfortunately, just like those papers you’ll eventually have to write, your student loan debt isn’t going anywhere.
If you’ve borrowed the funds from a private lender, like [
