How to Set SMART Financial Goals (and Actually Reach Them!)

How to Set SMART Financial Goals (and Actually Reach Them!)

Setting goals for your money might sound boring, but it’s like creating a game plan to get what you want and feel awesome while doing it. Whether you’re saving for new sneakers, a new phone or your future, using the SMART goals system can help you get there. SMART goals aren’t just “smart” (like genius-level smart)—it’

Tags: tips, finance, goals, ideas

Which Apps Can Help Me Keep My Financial Resolutions for the New Year?

Which Apps Can Help Me Keep My Financial Resolutions for the New Year?

Q: I’m looking for tools to help me actually keep the financial resolutions I made for the New Year, but I’m confused by all the options. What are the best personal finance apps that can help me stick to my money resolutions this year?

My Savings Has Been Wiped Clean; How Can I Replenish It?

My Savings Has Been Wiped Clean; How Can I Replenish It?

Q: The last few months have been really tough on my finances, and I’ve been forced to use my savings for getting by. My emergency fund and savings account are basically zero. Now that my financial situation is starting to improve, I’d like to start building these up again, but it’s all so