Q&A: How Can I Stay Warm this Winter Without Breaking the Budget?

Q&A: How Can I Stay Warm this Winter Without Breaking the Budget?

The temperatures are dropping and that can mean only one thing: Your heating costs are about to soar! If it feels like you need to choose between being toasty warm this winter and keeping your budget intact, this info is for you! 

Read on for eight tips for keeping the heat on

How Can I Save on Heating Costs This Winter?

How Can I Save on Heating Costs This Winter?

Q: It’s that time of year again when the outside temperature drops and my heating bills soar. How can I save on heating costs this winter?

A: We all want to keep our homes warm when it’s cold out, but that doesn’t have to mean paying sky-high

5 Ways To Save On Winter Heating Costs

5 Ways To Save On Winter Heating Costs
  1. Heat Selectively – To avoid paying for unused heat in rooms that aren’t regularly used, shut the doors and close the vents in those rooms.
  2. Trap the Sunlight – Open your curtains when you’ve got sunlight exposure, and then close them when the angle of the sun changes.