How Can I Save on Energy Costs This Summer?

How Can I Save on Energy Costs This Summer?

Q: Summer is here, and my energy bill is burning right through my budget! How can I save on energy costs this summer?

A: It’s hot out, but you can keep your cool with our energy-saving tips! Follow these hacks to save on energy costs this summer

How Can I Save on Heating Costs This Winter?

How Can I Save on Heating Costs This Winter?

Q: It’s that time of year again when the outside temperature drops and my heating bills soar. How can I save on heating costs this winter?

A: We all want to keep our homes warm when it’s cold out, but that doesn’t have to mean paying sky-high

Affordable Sustainability – 7 Tips for Building an Energy-Efficient Home

Affordable Sustainability – 7 Tips for Building an Energy-Efficient Home

Building a new home involves many decisions and expenses. As you work through the process, it’s a good idea to try making your new home as energy-efficient as possible. By incorporating sustainable design principles and utilizing innovative technologies, you can

Affordable Sustainability - How to Use Appliances Efficiently

Affordable Sustainability - How to Use Appliances Efficiently

Did you know that appliances account for approximately 13% of your home’s energy use? Your larger kitchen appliances, combined with your smaller entertainment machines, means your home can have upward of 10 appliances running at any given moment. The good news is, you don’t have to completely pull the

Affordable Sustainability: Reduce Your Energy Usage

Affordable Sustainability: Reduce Your Energy Usage

One of the best ways to live a sustainable lifestyle is to reduce your energy usage. Practicing energy efficiency enables you to lower your carbon footprint and help combat climate change, all while saving money on your energy bills. It’s truly a win-win! 

Let’s take a look at some ways you can reduce your energy

Affordable Sustainability: All You Need To Know About Going Solar

Affordable Sustainability 1 of 12 - All You Need To Know About Going Solar

Since 2008, hundreds of thousands of homeowners have chosen to install solar panels on their rooftops to use the sun’s energy for powering their homes. Solar panels can benefit the environment and can save the homeowner boatloads of money in energy costs over the years. Thanks to the ever-

5 Ways To Save On Winter Heating Costs

5 Ways To Save On Winter Heating Costs
  1. Heat Selectively – To avoid paying for unused heat in rooms that aren’t regularly used, shut the doors and close the vents in those rooms.
  2. Trap the Sunlight – Open your curtains when you’ve got sunlight exposure, and then close them when the angle of the sun changes.