The Grad Gift Guide

The Grad Gift Guide

Your soon-to-be grad has worked super-hard to reach this momentous occasion and to have their diploma in hand. Celebrate with your grad and show them how proud you are of their hard work and dedication with these low-cost, but awesome, gifts!

1. ID lanyard

Make it easy for your grad to carry their ID and wallet around campus or the workplace. Super-cute

How to Celebrate Memorial Day on a Budget

How to Celebrate Memorial Day on a Budget

Celebrating Memorial Day can cost a pretty penny, but there’s no need to spend lavishly to have an epic holiday weekend. Here’s how to celebrate Memorial Day on a budget.

1. Hit the beach

Get out to the shore at the first opportunity! The beach can provide hours of relaxation and fun for the entire family at little or no

How Can I Save on Super Bowl Sunday?

How Can I Save on Super Bowl Sunday?

Q: I’m looking forward to hosting a big party on Super Bowl Sunday and possibly watching my favorite team celebrate their major victory, but I don’t want to blow my budget on this party. How can I save on hosting a Super Bowl party?

A: Super Bowl parties are always great fun

How to Save on Wedding Costs

How to Save on Wedding Costs

Did you know that the cost of the average wedding in the U.S. is $28,000*? That’s an awful lot of money to spend on one event, especially when you consider that just 12% of couples have wedding savings when they get engaged, according to a study by Behind the Wedding Budget. This means that for many couples, the honeymoon is over as soon as those bills start coming due.

How to Make a Vacation Budget You Can Keep

How to Make a Vacation Budget You Can Keep

With mask mandates and occupancy limits easing and/or lifting, millions of Americans are looking forward to a summer getaway with more excitement than usual. Entertainment venues are opening, attractions are up and running again and for some, it’s been two years since they’ve enjoyed a real summer vacation.

All You Need to Know About Vacation Club Accounts

All You Need to Know About Vacation Club Accounts

The days are getting longer and hotter, so that means summer will be here before you can say “flip-flops and sunscreen.” Summertime means week-long vacations, day trips and weekend getaways. All of those vacays can cost a pretty penny, though! How will you pay for your summertime expenses?
Lucky for you, as a member of Diamond

All You Need to Know About Savings Accounts

All You Need to Know About Savings Accounts

If you’re looking for a safe place to grow your money without subjecting it to risk or making it inaccessible, a savings account can be just what you need. Here’s everything you need to know about this popular financial product:

Opening a savings account

Getting your savings

How Do I Choose the Right Investments for Me?

How Do I Choose the Right Investments for Me?

Q: I’m ready to invest in my future, but I need some help getting started. How do I choose the investments that are right for me?

A: Investing your funds is a great way to grow your money and secure your financial future; however, choosing a first investment can

Take Your Tax Refund and Earn More With Save To Win!

Win up to $5000 in Quarterly Prizes with Save to Win from Diamond Valley!

Have you received your tax refund and want to do something smart with it? How about also having a chance to win big cash prizes each month, just for being financially savvy and saving money? 

Just open a Save To Win share certificate savings account at Diamond

Save as a Family - America Saves Week 2021

Save as a Family - America Saves Week 2021

Did you learn what you needed to know about money as a child, from your parents, other adult role models, or school? For many Americans, that answer is no.

As we round out America Saves Week, we want you to spend time thinking about how you can instill ways to #ThinkLikeASaver in the young people in your life. After all,
