Fake Check Scams On The Rise

Fake Check Scams On The Rise
Fake Check Scams On The Rise

In early September, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) released a report warning about a spike in fake check scams across the country. While these scams are not new, their occurrence rate has doubled over the last three years and is up 12% from 2017. 

The BBB further announced that billions of dollars in

Tags: check, scams

6 Times A Bargain Is Not A Bargain

6 Times A Bargain Is Not A Bargain
6 Times A Bargain Is Not A Bargain

In the words of writer Franklin Jones, “A bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist.” And we couldn’t agree more. 

With the biggest spending season of the year looming ahead, it’s time to brush up on your shopping smarts. Don’t get caught springing for something you can’t

Beware of Mortgage Fraud

Beware of Mortgage Fraud
Beware of Mortgage Fraud

Preparing to purchase your dream home is super-exciting. That’s partly because you’re choosing a property that may be your home for the next few decades – or more! 

It’s also a time that’s jam-packed with activity and arrangements. In between looking at houses, you’re going to be consulting with your realtor, working with the

Category: Financial Wellness
Tags: mortgage, scams

Don't Get Caught In A "Free" Trial Scam

Don't Get Caught In A "Free" Trial Scam
Don't Get Caught In A 'Free' Trial Scam

You know what they say: “If it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t.” And yet, dozens of people fall for scams that promise them the moon — and they don’t realize they’ve been played until it’s too late.  

Because of this truism, the Federal Trade

Tags: Free trial, scams

What Can I Do About Robocalls?

What Can I Do About Robocalls?
What Can I Do About Robocalls?

Are you sick of grabbing your ringing phone five times a day only to find yet another robocaller on the other end?

If robocalls are getting to you, you’re not alone. Those super-annoying automatic calls have recently exploded, and it’s enough to make anyone go bonkers. More than 30 billion robocalls were made in the

What You Need To Know About Smishing Scams

What You Need To Know About Smishing Scams
What You Need To Know About Smishing Scams

How do you communicate with your nearest and dearest when you’re on the go and can’t make a phone call? Do you send a VoiceNote? Use WhatsApp? Or, do you send a simple text message?

In a world where apps can almost run our lives for us, the humble SMS has outlived them all – and

Beware Tech Support Scams!

Beware Tech Support Scams!
Beware Tech Support Scams!

You’re always putting yourself out on a limb when you call tech support. You dial the number the company gives you, and perhaps after a while of waiting, you’re connected to someone who may be working on the other side of the world in a completely different time zone. Then you’re asked to give this anonymous person identifying details

Category: Financial Wellness

Beware Social Media Scams!

Beware Social Media Scams!
Beware Social Media Scams!

The social media explosion has forever changed the way we interact with one another. In fact, everyone knows that a vacation, a dinner out or child’s milestone never really happened unless you post it on Facebook or Instagram.

But what most people don’t realize is that the advent of social media has generated its own brand of

Category: Financial Wellness

Beware These Tax Scams!

Beware These Tax Scams
Beware These Tax Scams

Once again, the IRS and the FTC are warning the public of a series of tax-related scams to be wary of during this busy and stressful time. Here’s what you need to know: 

Scam variations 

There are several ways scammers can use tax season for fraud. 

1.)   Phony refund 

In one scenario,

Category: Financial Wellness
