Don’t Get Caught in a Shopping Scam!

Don’t Get Caught in a Shopping Scam!

Shopping in 2022 is worlds away from what it was at the turn of the century, or even just a few years ago. According to retail research firm, Digital Commerce 360, ecommerce sales surpassed $870 billion in 2021, a 50% jump over 2019. Online shopping is quick, easy and convenient. 

Unfortunately, though, when a lot of shopping moved

What to Buy and What to Skip in May

What to Buy and What to Skip in May

The month of May kicks off summer and hosts one the biggest shopping holiday weekends of the year. Because of this, you can pick up fantastic deals this month, but some purchases are best pushed off a bit longer or for another season.  

Here’s what to buy and what to skip in May. 

Buy: Furniture 


What to Buy and What to Skip in April

What to Buy and What to Skip in April

The days are getting longer and warmer, and that means summer is just around the corner! Though April is a mid-season month without any major shopping holidays, you can still score some great deals. There are also many items you’ll want to put on your waitlist until prices drop in another month or so. We’ve got all the info for you so you can shop

Is Inflation Here to Stay?

Person holding cash in hand

Q: These days, I feel like I need to take out a second mortgage just to fill up on gas and restock the pantry. Are these inflated prices here to stay?

A: According to the most recent report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. inflation is currently running at a 13-year high of 5.4% — and it’s showing

8 Holiday Shopping Hacks to Help You Save Big This Season

Couple looking in window at store

Ready, set… charge! The holiday shopping season is here, and between inflated prices, the rising cost of gas and the urge to splurge this time of year, it can be harder than ever to stick to your budget. Here, we’ve listed eight holiday shopping hacks to help keep your spending under control while still finding the perfect gifts

What to Expect for Holiday Shopping 2021

What to Expect for Holiday Shopping 2021

The holidays are coming and it’s time to hit the shops! Retailers and consumers around the nation are anticipating a holiday season that’s a lot closer to pre-pandemic days than last year’s festivities. Unfortunately, though, suppliers are cautioning consumers to expect supply shortages, shipping delays and higher price tags than ever.
With that in mind,

Save Money When Shopping Online

Save Money When Shopping Online

With tens of thousands of people still out of work and the economy still limping toward a recovery, wise spending remains important. And with huge parts of life still happening on your screen, for many, this means saving on online shopping.

Here are some tips for saving money when shopping online:


Wait on every purchase

5 Reasons We Overspend (and How to Overcome Them)

5 Reasons We Overspend (and How to Overcome Them)

We’ve all been there. Maybe it’s that I-gotta-have-it urge that overtakes us when we see a pair of designer jeans. Maybe it’s that shrug as we reach for the $6 cup of overrated coffee that says “I deserve this.” Or maybe it’s that helpless feeling as the end of the month draws near and we realize we’ve outspent

6 Ways To Keep Your Finances Intact This Holiday Season

6 Ways To Keep Your Finances Intact This Holiday Season

‘Tis the season to shop until you drop-or until you go broke. But you don’t have to overspend.

There’s no need to rack up a huge credit card bill or go into debt just to cover your holiday expenses. Enjoy a stress-free season by keeping your spending in check with these six tips:

1. Create a detailed list

The Back to School Guide for These Unconventional Times

The Back to School Guide for These Unconventional Times

Back-to-school season is traditionally marked by a run on discounted pencils, overcrowded malls and lots of nail-biting nerves about new teachers. But this year, the back-to-school season is entirely different. Forget the crowds and a race to find the hottest-selling backpack. This year, it
