Affordable Sustainability - 2023 Series Recap

Review the complete collection of our 2023 blog series, Affordable Sustainability.

Affordable Sustainability - Eco-Shopping: 8 Tips for Environmentally Friendly Consumer Choices

Affordable Sustainability - Eco-Shopping: 8 Tips for Environmentally Friendly Consumer Choices

As environmental concerns continue to grow, adopting eco-friendly shopping practices has become increasingly popular. By making conscious choices and adjustments in your shopping habits, you can significantly

Affordable Sustainability - Green Cleaning Solutions for Your Home

Affordable Sustainability - Green Cleaning Solutions for Your Home

When cleaning our homes, it’s only natural for us to reach for commercial cleaning products that promise immediate results. Unfortunately for the environment, though, these products can be anything but natural. And they’re not too kind on your wallet, either. The good

Affordable Sustainability - All You Need to Know About Electric Vehicles

Affordable Sustainability - All You Need to Know About Electric Vehicles

With prices still rising on just about everything, and the cost of fuel stubbornly refusing to budge, electric vehicles (EVs) are more popular than ever. The idea of never having to pay for gas again is awfully tempting to the average cash-strapped American,

Affordable Sustainability - How to Use Appliances Efficiently

Affordable Sustainability - How to Use Appliances Efficiently

Did you know that appliances account for approximately 13% of your home’s energy use? Your larger kitchen appliances, combined with your smaller entertainment machines, means your home can have upward of 10 appliances running at any given moment. The good news is, you don’t have to completely pull the

Affordable Sustainability: Five Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Water Bottle Waste

Affordable Sustainability: Five Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Water Bottle Waste

Plastic water bottles have become a ubiquitous part of modern-day life. They’re convenient, portable and readily available. Unfortunately, though, their convenience comes at a cost. 

According to a 

Affordable Sustainability: Grow Your Own Greens

Affordable Sustainability: Grow Your Own Greens

If you’re looking for a way to save on grocery bills while reducing your carbon footprint, growing your own vegetable garden can be a fabulous and rewarding endeavor. Follow these tips to learn how to successfully grow your own greens.

Choose the right greens

First, you’ll need to choose which greens you’d like to

Affordable Sustainability: Reduce Your Energy Usage

Affordable Sustainability: Reduce Your Energy Usage

One of the best ways to live a sustainable lifestyle is to reduce your energy usage. Practicing energy efficiency enables you to lower your carbon footprint and help combat climate change, all while saving money on your energy bills. It’s truly a win-win! 

Let’s take a look at some ways you can reduce your energy

Affordable Sustainability: Tips for Upcycling at Home

Affordable Sustainability: Tips for Upcycling at Home

Upcycling is a popular way to reuse old or unwanted items while giving them new life. It’s an environmentally friendly choice that reduces waste and saves you money at the same time. Best of all, you only need some creativity, a little time to devote to the project and stuff you already have lying around at home to be a

Affordable Sustainability: Going Organic on a Budget

Affordable Sustainability: Going Organic on a Budget

Going organic is a great way to improve your personal health and the health of the environment. By choosing organic products, you can help reduce the amount of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers that are used in the farming and harvesting of food products, which can have devastating effects on the soil, water and air.
