Ways To Save On Food Costs

Ways To Save On Food Costs
Ways To Save On Food Costs

With your mind so muddled with details like classes, exams and papers, who has time to think about food? You might be heading into the new semester with plans to subsist solely on convenience food and packaged junk. We’re looking at you, ramen noodles!

But as you’ll quickly discover, overdoing the processed foods will leave you

5 Apps To Download This Back To School Season

5 Apps To Download This Back To School Season
5 Apps To Download This Back To School Season

Back-to-school season can be exhausting — and expensive! Take the hassle and the hefty price tags out of this year’s school shopping by downloading these 5 apps. Who knows? Maybe school shopping can be fun again!


7 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Making A Large Purchase

7 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Making A Large Purchase
7 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Making A Large Purchase

You’re convinced: You really want that Coach handbag. Or you need that genuine Armani tie. Or maybe you know that gigantic, high-res entertainment center will transform your weekends. So you swipe your card and the dream item

Category: Budgeting

5 Ways To Budget For Your Wedding

5 Ways To Budget For Your Wedding
5 Ways To Budget For Your Wedding

Q: I’m ready to tie the knot, but I don’t know if I can afford to have a wedding! Between the flowers, gown and venue, it’s thousands and thousands of dollars. How can I cut costs without compromising on my special day?

A: If you’re

Category: Budgeting

Don't Drink Your Wallet Dry!

Don't Drink Your Wallet Dry
Don't Drink Your Wallet Dry

It’s hot out, so make sure you’re drinking up! In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that adult males drink at least 11 cups of fluid a day and females drink 9. 

What’s in your glass today?  You might be a true coffee-crazy, cola-loving American, but water is your best beverage

Category: Budgeting
Tags: saving, water, summer, tips

7 Easy Ways To Give Your Kids A Financial Education

  1. Take your kids with you on your next visit to Diamond Valley Federal Credit Union!
  2. Let them watch you balance your checkbook.
  3. Show your kids how you pay your bills so they know that electricity, water, gas, phones and cable all cost money.
  4. Give them a budget for an item they want, and let them choose which one to buy.
  5. Let your kids work to pay for an expensive gadget or a special trip they really want.
  6. Help them open their own small business.
  7. Let your kids see you occasionally leave a store without buying anything
Category: Credit Union News
