Ask About ValueCheck From Diamond Valley!

Ask About ValueCheck From Diamond Valley

When was the last time a financial institution asked you “What are your financial goals?” When you get a ValueCheck at Diamond Valley, this is one of the first questions we ask. ValueCheck is a program where “Our Focus Is Your Future” is more than just a tag line for our Credit Union.

When you come in for

Category: Credit Union News

How To Dispute An Error On Your Credit Report

How To Dispute An Error On Your Credit Report

Quick-what’s your credit score?

As a financially responsible individual, you should be checking your credit on a regular basis. You can do this by signing up for free credit monitoring on a reputable website like 

Do My Monthly Bill Payments Affect My Credit Score?

Do My Monthly Bill Payments Affect My Credit Score?

Q: I’m working on improving my credit score, so I’m being extra careful about paying my bills on time. But, since I don’t see these payments reflected in my score, I’m wondering: Do my monthly payments, like utility bills, count toward my credit score? 

A: It’s

6 Mistakes People Make In Their 20s and How To Fix Them

6 Mistakes People Make In Their 20s and How To Fix Them
6 Mistakes People Make In Their 20s and How To Fix Them

Like many people, you may have blown through your 20s making financial decisions that served you well in the moment, but may not have been particularly responsible. Dinner out several times a week, credit card bills you barely looked at and

Tags: 20s, credit, fix, finances

4 Steps To Credit Repair

Consumers are sometimes faced with taking steps to repair tarnished credit. Here are four steps to help make that happen.

Step #1: Determine your score – You’re entitled to an annual credit report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies. Order yours at 

Debit Card Safety

Debit Card Safety
Debit Card Safety

“And how are you paying for your purchases today?” 

It’s a question we have to answer almost every day. Will you be using cash, a credit card or a debit card? 

It may be instinct for you to pull out any piece of plastic without thinking, but your random card of choice might not be the safest way to pay. Sometimes, you'll want to use

All About Chip Enabled Cards

For additional security, the new ATMs that were recently installed at all of our branches are enabled to read the EMV chip found in most debit and credit cards (AKA: The Chip). This means there is an additional step involved when starting the transaction on these machines.

  1. Slide your card in the slot as normal, wait a few seconds and remove.
  2. The screen will come up with a message informing you that the card has “the chip enabled” and must be reinserted and left in the machine until the end of your transaction. (If your card doesn’t have the
Category: Credit Union News


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