Don't Drink Your Wallet Dry!

Don't Drink Your Wallet Dry
Don't Drink Your Wallet Dry

It’s hot out, so make sure you’re drinking up! In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that adult males drink at least 11 cups of fluid a day and females drink 9. 

What’s in your glass today?  You might be a true coffee-crazy, cola-loving American, but water is your best beverage

Category: Budgeting
Tags: saving, water, summer, tips

6 Ways To Turn Your Dream Vacation To A Reality

6 Ways To Turn Your Dream Vacation To A Reality
6 Ways To Turn Your Dream Vacation To A Reality

You’re sipping a pina colada on a beautiful, white-sanded beach while watching the cerulean waves lap at the shoreline. You might be pulling muscles and riding high on adrenaline while scaling Mount Greylock, up in Massachusetts. Or, maybe you’re browsing a charming

All You Need To Know About The New Payroll Tax Rates

All You Need To Know About The New Payroll Tax Rates
All You Need To Know About The New Payroll Tax Rates

Phew! Your income taxes are filed and you can finally rest easy with that huge chore now over and done. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to think about taxes again until it’s time to file for

Tags: IRS, Payroll Taxes, 2018, Tax Changes

Beware Tech Support Scams!

Beware Tech Support Scams!
Beware Tech Support Scams!

You’re always putting yourself out on a limb when you call tech support. You dial the number the company gives you, and perhaps after a while of waiting, you’re connected to someone who may be working on the other side of the world in a completely different time zone. Then you’re asked to give this anonymous person identifying details

Category: Financial Wellness
Tags: tech, scams, tech support

4 Ways To Bring Your Dream Kitchen To Life

4 Ways To Bring Your Kitchen To Life
4 Ways To Bring Your Kitchen To Life

The kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s where we spend many hours whipping up delectable dishes to please every palate and food plan. It’s where we catch a quick morning chat over coffee and linger over dinners together in the early evening. 

The kitchen is where it’s at. 

Category: Home Ownership
Tags: kitchen, fixes, remodeling, budgeting

The 20% Down Myth

The 20% Down Myth
The 20% Down Myth

Are you desperate to own a home of your own? 
If that’s your dream, you are likely saving up, dollar by hard-earned dollar, until you have that magic number: 20% of your dream home’s total value. That’s what all the experts say, right? 
For the average American home, 20% amounts to a pretty big number. Throw in closing costs and you’ve

Category: Home Ownership
Tags: mortgages, down payment, myth, government programs

7 Ways To Spring Clean For Extra Cash

7 Ways To Spring Clean For Extra Cash

When that first delightful spring breeze starts blowing, you know it’s time to get your house in shape.

The warmer weather and the brilliant sunshine pouring through your windows can fill you with boundless energy. You’re going to banish those dust bunnies! Every piece of useless clutter must go! You are on a mission to turn your home

Category: Budgeting
Tags: spring cleaning, money, donations

Beware Social Media Scams!

Beware Social Media Scams!
Beware Social Media Scams!

The social media explosion has forever changed the way we interact with one another. In fact, everyone knows that a vacation, a dinner out or child’s milestone never really happened unless you post it on Facebook or Instagram.

But what most people don’t realize is that the advent of social media has generated its own brand of

Category: Financial Wellness
Tags: scams, social media

Beware These Tax Scams!

Beware These Tax Scams
Beware These Tax Scams

Once again, the IRS and the FTC are warning the public of a series of tax-related scams to be wary of during this busy and stressful time. Here’s what you need to know: 

Scam variations 

There are several ways scammers can use tax season for fraud. 

1.)   Phony refund 

In one scenario,

Category: Financial Wellness
Tags: financial self-defense, Taxes, scams

Share Certificate Shopping: How To Keep Your Money Spinning!

Share Certificate Shopping: How To Keep Your Money Spinning!
Share Certificate Shopping: How To Keep Your Money Spinning!

Share Savings Certificates are an excellent savings option. They’re NCUA-insured, which gives you peace of mind in knowing your deposits are secure. They’ve got a better dividend rate than a savings account and

Category: Financial Wellness
Tags: Share Saving Certificates, Savings, Planning, Budget
