7 Halloween Hacks You Don't Want To Miss

7 Halloween Hacks You Don't Want To Miss
7 Halloween Hacks You Don't Want To Miss

Halloween is coming – and so is the fun! Everyone wants to win the prize for creepiest costume and the most frightening yard décor in the neighborhood.

But all that spookiness comes with a scary price tag. The average American will spend $169 on Halloween costs this year.

Category: Budgeting
Tags: Halloween, tips, tricks, fun

Do I Still Need A Landline?

Do I Still Need A Landline
Do I Still Need A Landline?

Q: My landline barely gets any use. Every family member has their own cellphone and it feels like I’m throwing out money each month when I pay the bill. Should I get rid of my landline? 

A: Phone lines that need to be plugged into the wall are quite outdated. And, if you’re feeling

Category: Budgeting
Tags: land line, phone, Budget

Mobi Money

MobiMoney is the only app for Diamond Valley members that gives them full

Category: Credit Union News
Tags: mobi money, debit card, controls, security

Credit Card Fraud In Fives

Credit Card Fraud In Fives
Credit Card Fraud In Fives

No one wants to be the victim of credit fraud. Aside from the stolen money you may never recover, victims of fraud can be faced with an enormous hassle. That hassle involves the closing of accounts, putting a fraud alert on your credit and a huge ding on your credit history, which can be difficult to fix. 

Tags: fraud, credit cards, hacking, what to do

Why Does My Mortgage Lender Need So Much Information?

Why Does My Mortgage Lender Need So Much Information
Why Does My Mortgage Lender Need So Much Information?

Q: I’m applying for a mortgage through my credit union and I’m a bit surprised at the amount of information they’re asking for to process my loan. Why do they need to know so much about me to grant me a home loan?

Category: Home Ownership
Tags: mortgage, applying, information

8 Reasons To Create A Monthly Budget

8 Reasons To Create A Monthly Budget
8 Reasons To Create A Monthly Budget

Not sure what you’ll gain by budgeting? Here’s a list of the benefits.

  • You’ll spend less.
  • You’ll have more freedom by knowing exactly how much you have to spend.
  • You won’t neglect any fixed expenses because you’ll have money set aside for them.
Tags: budgeting, spending, saving money

6 Times A Bargain Is Not A Bargain

6 Times A Bargain Is Not A Bargain
6 Times A Bargain Is Not A Bargain

In the words of writer Franklin Jones, “A bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist.” And we couldn’t agree more. 

With the biggest spending season of the year looming ahead, it’s time to brush up on your shopping smarts. Don’t get caught springing for something you can’t

Tags: bargains, beware, scams

Mistakes First Time Home Buyers Make - Infographic

Mistakes First Time Home Buyers Make
Mistakes First Time Home Buyers Make
1.) Not Knowing Your Housing Budget 

Figure out exactly how much you can afford to pay each month in shelter costs. 

Be sure to include:

  • Mortgage payments (including interest – and PMI if applicable)
  • Property tax
Category: Home Ownership
Tags: mortgage, first time home buyers, home, real estate

Staying Safe Online

Staying Safe Online
Staying Safe Online

With the average American spending 24 hours a week online, internet safety is more important than ever. A hacked or compromised computer can put you at risk for money loss, phishing scams or even complete identity theft.

It gets worse: If your computer’s security has been breached, it can be turned into a “middle man” for online theft.

Tags: online, safety, tips, hacking

Beware the Blackmailing Scam!

Beware the Blackmailing Scam!
Beware the Blackmailing Scam!

Blackmail and extortion are some of the oldest tricks in the book—and for good reason: They work. When a criminal threatens to share potentially explosive information with everyone they know, the victim easily panics and is willing to pay any price to protect their privacy and their pride.

In a fresh twist on this age

Tags: scam, blackmail, online
