Q&A: How Can I Save on Healthcare Costs?

Q&A: How Can I Save on Healthcare Costs?

Q: Healthcare expenses are often one of the largest and most unpredictable parts of my household budget. From routine checkups to unexpected emergencies, costs can really add up. How can I save on healthcare costs without compromising on my wellbeing?


How Should I Fund My Holiday Expenses?

How Should I Fund My Holiday Expenses?

Q: I’ve listed all my anticipated expenses for the holiday season and I’m ready to burrow under my covers and wake up on Jan. 2. There’s so much to buy and so little money to do it with! How can I pay for my holiday expenses?

A: Yes, ‘tis the season to shop

5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Savings

5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Savings

It’s that time of year again: Time to clean out those closets, polish that furniture and clear out that clutter for good! As you work through your home, banishing dust bunnies and organizing your spaces, don’t forget to take a good look at your savings, too. Spring is the perfect time of year to review your saving habits and spruce up your

Practical Budgeting Made Easy

Practical Budgeting Made Easy

If you’d love to live with a budget, but you don’t have the time or energy to learn how to create and manage a complicated spending plan, we can help! Similarly, if you’ve budgeted in the past but have fallen out of the habit and would love to jump back into life with a budget again, you may find this super-helpful.

With the right tools and information,

When Should I Give in to the Urge to Splurge?

When Should I Give in to the Urge to Splurge?

Q: Is it ever OK to give in to the urge to splurge?

A: We all know it’s best to curb impulse buys as much as possible, and to stick to our predetermined budgets. But sometimes, it’s perfectly fine to bend the rules a little bit and splurge

What’s the Best Way to Pay for Holiday Shopping?

What’s the Best Way to Pay for Holiday Shopping?

Q: I’m ready to start my holiday shopping, but I’m not sure how to cover all my purchases. What’s the best way to pay for my holiday shopping?

A: As with most large expenses, when it comes to covering the cost of your holiday

Travel Hacks - Your Complete Guide to Vacation Budgets

Travel Hacks: Your Complete Guide to Vacation Budgets

It’s great to get away from the daily grind, but budgets never go on vacation. The classic rules of sticking to your spending plan and not racking up bills you cannot pay still apply when you’re on vacation. The good news is, a vacation budget will actually make your trip more relaxing. When every dollar is accounted for

4 Ways to Stay Financially Fit this Summer

4 Ways to Stay Financially Fit this Summer

Ahh…summer! The season of flip-flops and sunscreen, of lemonade and baseball games. What’s not to love about summer?

Unfortunately, though, summer is also the season of overspending for many. When the sun is blazing across a cloudless sky and the day stretches on with endless possibilities, purse strings are looser and cards are swiped

12 Steps to Financial Wellness-Step 5: Practice Mindful Spending

12 Steps to Financial Wellness-Step 5: Practice Mindful Spending

Creating a budget and deciding to stick to it is easy; it’s actually carrying through on your plan that’s the hard part. For too many people, financial responsibility ends at having good intentions and real life gets in the way of all well-laid plans. A large part of the discrepancy between what

12 Steps to Financial Wellness-Step 4: Have the Money Talk with Your Partner

12 Steps to Financial Wellness-Step 4: Have the Money Talk with Your Partner

You’ve tracked your spending, created a budget, worked on ridding yourself of debt, and are well on your way to a financially secure life. Now you’re ready for step four, in which you’ll have the money talk with your partner.

Talking finances with your partner may not be
