How to Host a Stress-free Holiday Meal on a Budget

How to Host a Stress-free Holiday Meal on a Budget

Holiday hosting can be super-stressful – and expensive! This year, with prices soaring at the grocery and beyond, breaking that budget on hosting duties can seem like a sure thing. Lucky for you, you can change the odds. Here are six ways you can host a stress-free and awesome holiday meal without draining your wallet. 

Last-Minute Holiday Hacks

Last-Minute Holiday Hacks

The holidays are drawing closer and there’s still so much to do! You’ve got gifts to buy and wrap, meals to prepare and more items on your to-do list than gifts on your preschooler’s wish list. Some days, it can seem like your stress levels will keep rising while the money in your wallet keeps dwindling–all the way up until the holidays arrive. Want some good news? It doesn’t

What to Buy and What to Skip in December

What to Buy and What to Skip in December

December blows in at the peak of the holiday shopping frenzy, and then it tiptoes out with the end of the year and post-holiday calm. Black Friday deals are long over, and there are no major shopping holidays this month, but you can still find a fabulous deal before and after the holidays. So, whether you’re finishing up your holiday

How to Budget in Times of Inflation

How to Budget in Times of Inflation

With inflation at record highs, many Americans are finding it difficult to stick to a budget. After all, when groceries have leapt in price and household staples can be double, or even triple, what they cost just a year ago, how can the same amount of money get you through the month?

Sticking to a budget during times of high inflation is

6 Ways to Pay Less at the Pump

6 Ways to Pay Less at the Pump

Just when you think they can’t possibly jump any higher, gas prices start rising again. They’ve long passed the $5 mark in much of the country, and in some areas they’ve even gone beyond $6 a gallon. This means it’ll cost the average American close to $100 just to fill a 16-gallon tank. With prices peaking on so many other goods, the pain at the pump is real.

5 Ways to Survive the Summer Slump

5 Ways to Survive the Summer Slump

When the days stretch on endlessly and the summer sun beats down on the sidewalk, productivity dips. The dreaded summer slump hits businesses when daydreaming employees become less productive, part of the team is out on a summertime getaway and the stream of customers slows to a trickle. 

How to Save Big Bucks by Brown-Bagging Your Lunch

How to Save Big Bucks by Brown-Bagging Your Lunch

Did you know that choosing to bring your own lunch to work each day can save up to $3,000 a year? Each takeout lunch can easily cost $12 more than a homemade meal. If you’d put that money into an index fund and contribute to it for 25 years, you can save $500,000! 

Last-Minute Tax Tips to Know Before You File

Last-Minute Tax Tips to Know Before You File

The big day is drawing near, and if you haven’t already done so, it’s time to file your tax return! Before you file, though, it’s a good idea to review your return to ensure you haven’t made any mistakes or forgotten any deductions or credits you’re eligible to claim. Below, we’ve compiled a list of last-minute tax tips to know before you

How to Boost Your Productivity at Work

How to Boost Your Productivity at Work

Everyone wants to do their best at work, but you can sometimes find yourself staring at the same to-do list day after day after day. 
Here’s how to keep your productivity levels up at work.

Start your day with the MITs

Make sure to get your most crucial tasks done by separating the MITs (most

10 Tips for ATM Safety

Image of a woman counting money in front of an ATM

With shorter days approaching, bringing more hours of darkness along with them, it’s more important than ever to brush up on ATM safety. Using a compromised machine can mean risking identity theft and/or having cash stolen. With this simple machine, all it takes is a few short minutes for a victim’s life to be completely ruined. 

Here at

Tags: safety, tips, ATM
