6 Ways To Boost Your Credit Score

6 Ways To Boost Your Credit Score

An excellent credit score is the ultimate goal of the financially responsible consumer. Those three magic digits tell a story of accountability, good financial sense, and the ability to spend mindfully. A great credit score also unlocks doors for large, affordable loans; employment opportunities, and more.
Its significance notwithstanding, achieving and

How Do I Choose the Right Investments for Me?

How Do I Choose the Right Investments for Me?

Q: I’m ready to invest in my future, but I need some help getting started. How do I choose the investments that are right for me?

A: Investing your funds is a great way to grow your money and secure your financial future; however, choosing a first investment can

Tips for Empty Nesters Downsizing

Tips for Empty Nesters Downsizing

Quiet. Calm. Clean.
And empty.
These are just a few of the adjectives that may come to mind when you return home after your youngest child leaves the nest. It’s the beginning of a new stage in life and your home may feel completely different.
No longer are you constantly kicking aside stray sneakers and picking up a trail of school papers. No

Simple Steps to Start Saving

Simple Steps to Start Saving

Everyone knows how important it is to regularly put money into savings, but research shows that 25% of Americans have no emergency savings at all.

Don’t let this be you! If you’re ready to start saving, but you don’t know where to begin, Diamond Valley can help. Here are seven simple steps that can get you on the fast track to building your nest

Save Money When Shopping Online

Save Money When Shopping Online

With tens of thousands of people still out of work and the economy still limping toward a recovery, wise spending remains important. And with huge parts of life still happening on your screen, for many, this means saving on online shopping.

Here are some tips for saving money when shopping online:


Wait on every purchase

4 Apps to Download this Holiday Season

5 Apps to Download this Holiday Season

With the holidays coming, there’s so much to do! Keep it all

6 Ways To Keep Your Finances Intact This Holiday Season

6 Ways To Keep Your Finances Intact This Holiday Season

‘Tis the season to shop until you drop-or until you go broke. But you don’t have to overspend.

There’s no need to rack up a huge credit card bill or go into debt just to cover your holiday expenses. Enjoy a stress-free season by keeping your spending in check with these six tips:

1. Create a detailed list

8 Ways To Beat Holiday Stress

8 Ways To Beat Holiday Stress

‘Tis the season to be merry-except sometimes, it’s not.

While the entertainment industry would have us think the holidays are always full of good cheer, lots of laughs and warm feelings, the reality can, unfortunately, be otherwise.

Sometimes, all that frenzied consumerism, party-hopping and crazy schedules can bring out the worst in the people we love.

How to Celebrate Thanksgiving During COVID-19

It’s turkey season! But this year, due to the COVID-19 environment we’re experiencing, the holiday festivities will look a bit different than before. With some precautionary measures and careful planning, though, you can celebrate Thanksgiving in the era of the coronavirus without compromising on your health or safety. Here’s how:

Planning a Thanksgiving dinner

If you plan on hosting an in-person

The Back to School Guide for These Unconventional Times

The Back to School Guide for These Unconventional Times

Back-to-school season is traditionally marked by a run on discounted pencils, overcrowded malls and lots of nail-biting nerves about new teachers. But this year, the back-to-school season is entirely different. Forget the crowds and a race to find the hottest-selling backpack. This year, it
