Your Complete Guide to Secure Mobile Banking

Your Complete Guide to Secure Mobile Banking

In response to the rise of mobile banking scams, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) recently published new guidance

Tags: Mobile, mobile banking, smartphone, online banking, safety, data safety

Your Complete Guide to Buying an RV and ATV

Your Complete Guide to Buying an RV and ATV

If you’re ready to purchase an RV or an ATV, the number of choices to make can be overwhelming. The price range for different vehicles is enormous, choosing between a new or used vehicle can be tricky and securing financing can be a nightmare all its own. To help you through the process, we’ve outlined the steps to take

Tags: motorsport, rv, atv, information, purchase

Should I Sell My House Now?

Q: Is 2021 a good time to sell my home?


A: While it appears to be a seller’s market, and the perfect time to put your home up for sale, there are many variables to consider before going forward. Below, we’ve outlined important points to know about today’s market so you can make an informed decision about selling your home in 2021.

Tags: mortgage, home, buying, selling, real estate

How to Save on Wedding Costs

How to Save on Wedding Costs

Did you know that the cost of the average wedding in the U.S. is $28,000*? That’s an awful lot of money to spend on one event, especially when you consider that just 12% of couples have wedding savings when they get engaged, according to a study by Behind the Wedding Budget. This means that for many couples, the honeymoon is over as soon as those bills start coming due.

Tags: wedding, Budget, Savings

Beware of Vacation Scammers!

Beware of Vacation Scammers!

Hello, summer! It’s the season of flip-flops and ice pops, of sun-drenched afternoons and lazy days at the beach. And, unfortunately, summertime is also prime time for scammers. People are more relaxed; schedules are looser and vacationers are traveling in unfamiliar locations. All of this can lead people to let their guard down during the summer, and the scammers know it.

Tags: vacation, scams, beware

All You Need to Know About Auto Loans

All You Need to Know About Auto Loans

If you’re in the market for a new car or truck, you’re likely also shopping for an auto loan. Your auto loan will affect your monthly budget for the full term of the loan, so it’s important to do your research and make an informed decision before finalizing it. Here’s all you need to know about auto loans and how to choose the one that’s best for you.

Tags: auto loan, vehicle, financing, information

7 Tips for a Budget-Friendly Road Trip

7 Tips for a Budget-Friendly Road Trip

With many indoor attractions still closed or operating only at a limited capacity, there’s never been a better time to pack up the car, RV or camper van and set out on the road trip of a lifetime. However, without careful planning, a road trip can get pricey, especially with soaring gas prices and the rising costs of food. For this

Tags: vacation, road trip, Budget, Planning, save money

How to Make a Vacation Budget You Can Keep

How to Make a Vacation Budget You Can Keep

With mask mandates and occupancy limits easing and/or lifting, millions of Americans are looking forward to a summer getaway with more excitement than usual. Entertainment venues are opening, attractions are up and running again and for some, it’s been two years since they’ve enjoyed a real summer vacation.

Tags: vacation, Savings, budgeting

Q&A: Why Are Prices So High Now?

Q&A: Why Are Prices So High Now?

Q: I’m trying to heal financially as life returns to pre-pandemic norms, but the rising cost of many commodities, like groceries and gasoline, is making a financial rebound a challenge. Why are prices skyrocketing right now?

A: The jump in prices of many goods is proving to be a formidable

Tags: Budget, gasoline, gas, prices, cause

2021 Diamond Valley Federal Credit Union Scholarship Winners!

2021 Diamond Valley Federal Credit Union Scholarship Winners!

Every year we select 7 outstanding high school seniors to receive a $1000 scholarship to help cover their college tuition. We are very proud to announce this year's recipients.

Category: Credit Union News
Tags: scholarship, winners, 2021
