Retirement Primer: Things to Know About Trust Funds

Retirement Primer: Things to Know About Trust Funds

While most people think about wills when they think about estate planning, a will is only one part of establishing a plan for your estate. 

A will is a contract between you and your heirs that is enforced by the state. It does the job, but it’s far from perfect. First, the will has to go through a

Tags: The Retirement Primer 2024, trust funds, information, trust, retirement

Best Times to Buy: Cars

Best Times to Buy: Cars

If you’re looking to buy a car within the next year or so, you need to read this article. 

Knowing when to buy your car can help you score a significant discount on the final price of your vehicle and enjoy savings on your auto loan for years to come. 

Here’s when to buy a new car throughout the year, plus general times when you may want to hit the

Tags: Best Times to Buy 2024, cars, Vehicles, Auto, Budget

Should I Sign Up For Overdraft Protection

Should I Sign Up For Overdraft Protection

Q: Overdraft protection on my checking account sounds like a super-helpful safety net, but I have some apprehensions. Is it a good idea to sign up for this feature?

A: Overdraft protection can keep your account from landing in the red, but there can be some disadvantages

Tags: accounts, overdraft, overdraft protection

Understanding Key Mortgage Terms

Understanding Key Mortgage Terms

When applying for a mortgage, you’ll come across many terms that can be confusing, whether you’re going through your first mortgage experience, or you’ve been through the process a time or two. What does everything mean and why does it matter? 

Let’s take a look at key mortgage terms, what they mean, their significance and when a homebuyer will see these

Tags: mortgage, home buying, home loan, terms

Should I Open an Interest-Free Credit Card?

Should I Open an Interest-Free Credit Card?

Q: I’m constantly getting offers for interest-free credit cards and I’m really tempted to sign up. Is this an advisable thing to do?

A: Interest-free credit cards, often referred to as 0% APR cards, can be highly attractive to consumers who are looking to improve

Tags: zero percent apr, credit card, information, budgeting, 0%, APR

What is a Credit Report?

What is a Credit Report?

Q: I’ve heard that I should be checking my credit report regularly to ensure my ongoing financial wellness. What is a credit report and how do I read mine?

A: Your credit report plays a crucial role in measuring your financial health and the outcome of many related opportunities. Whether you’re

Tags: credit report, information, guide, credit

The Anatomy of a Mortgage Payment

The Anatomy of a Mortgage Payment

Purchasing a home may be the largest financial transaction you’ll make during your lifetime. Once the dust settles, and you’ve finished closing the sale, you’ll be the proud owner of a new home — and a mortgage payment into the foreseeable future.

Trying to understand your mortgage payment can be like trying to decode a secret language. What

Tags: mortgage, home loan, payments, break down, guide

Best Times to Buy - Vacations

Best Times to Buy - Vacations

It’s always a good time for a vacation, but it’s not always a good time for your wallet to take that vacation, or to book that flight and hotel stay. Lucky for you, there are specific times of year in which you can vacation for less, and a method to the madness of travel planning. 

Here are the best times of year to vacation and when

Tags: Best Times to Buy 2024, vacation, travel, budgeting, saving money

How to Protect Yourself from Google Voice Verification Scams

How to Protect Yourself from Google Voice Verification Scams

Scams are constantly becoming increasingly sophisticated – and the Google Voice verification 

scam is a perfect example. This scam can lead to significant inconvenience and potential identity theft. Here’s all you need to know about Google Voice verification scams and how to keep

Tags: Google, scam, authentication, warning

Am I a Shopaholic?

Am I a Shopaholic?

Q: I often just can’t resist the urge to splurge when I see the latest deals showing up in my inbox. I am also prone to putting every retailer app on my phone so I can get all the deals and rewards. I’m starting to wonder if I am a shopaholic who’s addicted to retail therapy. What do you think?  

A: In today’s

Tags: question, shopping, addiction, compulsive, shopaholic, tips, signs
