What do I Need to Know about Credit Card Merchant Fees?

What do I Need to Know about Credit Card Merchant Fees?

Q: Why do retailers often charge an extra fee for customers paying with a credit card?

A: With cash becoming increasingly obsolete, more people are choosing to make their purchases with a credit card than ever

Best Times to Buy: Fitness Gear

Best Times to Buy: Fitness Gear

The new year is not so new anymore, and those resolutions to get yourself into shape are starting to get old. But don’t let them get stale just yet! Midwinter is actually a fantastic time to stock up on fitness gear at bargain prices. If you miss this season’s sales, you can pick up exercise equipment at a discount several other times a year.

Beware Mortgage Closing Scams

Beware Mortgage Closing Scams

Purchasing a new home is a major endeavor that can take months to complete while involving several important steps. There’s money to be paid, forms to fill out and sensitive information to share. Unfortunately, scammers know this well, so they’re out to hijack the most crucial part of the process: the closing. Closing on a home is an exciting and often stressful

Which Purchases Should I Charge to My Credit Card?

Which Purchases Should I Charge to My Credit Card?

Q: I’m reevaluating my credit card use and wondering if I’m doing it right. Which purchases should I charge to my credit card?

A: Your credit score, which is the key to long-term loans at favorable rates, employment

Savings Strategies for the New Year

Savings Strategies for the New Year

It’s a new year, and it’s a wonderful opportunity to increase your savings. Fortunately, as a member of Diamond Valley, you have so many fabulous ways to save! Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can save so you can make wise decisions about your savings goals and strategies this year.

Savings account

A savings (aka “share

When Should I Give in to the Urge to Splurge?

When Should I Give in to the Urge to Splurge?

Q: Is it ever OK to give in to the urge to splurge?

A: We all know it’s best to curb impulse buys as much as possible, and to stick to our predetermined budgets. But sometimes, it’s perfectly fine to bend the rules a little bit and splurge

Retirement Primer: 5 Tips for a Successful Single Retirement

The Retirement Primer: 5 Tips for a Successful Single Retirement

Preparing for retirement is a major life event that requires decades of planning. Retiring alone can be even more daunting because you’ll need to take specific steps to ensure you’re ready to leave the workforce and to live out your years on your own

How Do I Prepare for Tax Season?

How Do I Prepare for Tax Season?

Q: Tax season is coming! I’d like to start preparing sooner than later, but all the forms, numbers and rules are so overwhelming, I don’t even know where to begin! How do I prepare for tax season?

A: It’s commendable that you’ve started getting ready for tax season long before

How Can I Save on Heating Costs This Winter?

How Can I Save on Heating Costs This Winter?

Q: It’s that time of year again when the outside temperature drops and my heating bills soar. How can I save on heating costs this winter?

A: We all want to keep our homes warm when it’s cold out, but that doesn’t have to mean paying sky-high

Best Times To Buy: Furniture

Best Times To Buy: Furniture

Whether it’s high time to replace that secondhand Craigslist couch, or you’re desperate to revamp your outdoor space with a new patio set, you’ll want to get the best deal for your money. Why pay full price on new furniture when you don’t have to? Unfortunately, though, knowing when to look for furniture that’s on sale can be tricky. How can you know when
